Friday, 29 April 2016

Walk It Off - April 14th, 2016

I have to say that I must agree with walking being one of the best remedies!  Besides being a good stress relief and great for your health, it is good for the soul!   My doctor says it is also rather meditative.   I was so happy when the good weather was finally back upon us, I know you can walk in any weather but this winter was so gloomy that when finally a nice day appeared a walk was so absolutely wonderful!  On the 14th of April, 2016, my dog Nikki and I ventured out to the beautiful walking trails of St Marys.  The sun, the warmth and the motion was healing.  Did I mention the sun???  Such a wet and dreary winter finally broke!  I also realized I was in better shape than I expected and then the next few days in a bit worse shape than expected!  Basically over all it was not too bad for being Almost Fifty.  Both Nikki and I were in need of some cardio and shed that extra winter weight.  But that really had nothing to do with the walking.  I was walking off my built up anxiety and winter blues.  Anything that ailed me could not keep up with me on my walks.  The fresh air was just amazing and the water with the sun glistening on it like diamonds was magical.   Being high above the water looking over the park and the town is so beautiful, bringing appreciation to the history and architecture of this town.  Someone had amazing vision.  The work that went into the trestle for pedestrians, well all I can say is this town was certainly meant for walking.  Beautiful, scenic walking.  And then there is my music… my play list on my Iphone and my over sized headphones!  Made cool again by the teenagers, however I’m not sure if I fall into the “cool” category or “old school”.  Regardless I don’t care, I put them on for shoveling in the winter, as they motivated me with my “shoveling music list” , and also kept my ears nice and warm!  On my walks my headphones simply block out the world.  It felt wonderful to walk alone and feel solitude, even though the busy world rushed around me.  There is always someone walking in this town! The walking town!! And nothing mattered as my music blared while I stayed calm and walked the dog.  I finally understood why people run. (which I envy, but won't attempt!)  and all of the other walkers and roamers and strollers.  It’s a whole other world which I had only seen glimpses of and for some reason this spring I felt as if I’d seen this whole other dimension.  Walking may not solve my problems, it may not change the things I have no control over, but it sure helps me feel better inside and out.  It is a welcome new friend, along with all of its nature and temperatures.  Sometimes when life builds up, it is just a great way to make a move, to find a path, to focus on something different, and to do something that will make your body sing.  I do refrain from dancing, however with some of my songs on my walking list… it’s all I can do to not groove on down the road!  And as much as I often wonder if I am headed in the right direction in life, I know this is my path, simply because, I am on it!  And walking on this path makes me feel good and happy... yep the direction is all good!

Post Script:
I love taking photos and here are some that I have taken of the awesome views on my path, and also I have been taking a selfie to send to Jesse (the 2nd son) as he inspired me to get up and move, and told me there is great things to see in all different types of weather, and so I send along a pic of me and the Nikki, to show we are still going and still moving forward!   Also Check out my video:  Maybe I'm Already There!


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