Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Walkin Away From Summer

This time of the year always seems to have the same effect on everyone!  Sheer exhaustion!  The end of the summer hurrah straight into the back to school and activities.  My friend said she was having a bet with another friend on when their over excited little ones would hit the wall, one thought Thursday and one thought Friday... and ironically we all agreed the kids hit the wall around Friday and then moms hit the wall Saturday.  Without warning the invisible wall jumps up and slams you!  The back to routine and extra hours and running and chasing and organizing and signing and tryouts and for me back to teaching and lots of scheduling!  But without that wall, who knows, the kids and their momagers, or dadagers, would possibly just speed straight out of the earths atmosphere.  So therefore the wall has value and parks us for a day or a few hours or opens up the vents on the pressure valves.  Now during all of this (post amazing, awesome holiday) as soon as I returned home my friend and walking coach decided we were going full steam ahead.  My ankle, which I sprained at the beginning of summer, feeling almost back to normal and I was very happy to be getting back at it.  Although I had done enough walking in the summer it seemed that even with all the nice produce out there, ice cream just kept finding its way into my life. Thankfully BC had given some great terrain to wear off the stops for ice cream and helped my ankle get back into shape.  My good
friend Kim, (who I've talked about before as my "walking coach" who I call "Commander Kim" or CK) had also returned from a summer of travels with her 3 little girls from the west coast and the
eastcoast and had also been hiking amazing Canadian terrain and had a slight sprain slowing down her running, decided that since she can't run as much she will have us walk and hike everyday.  So, what could I say except YES!  My season pass which I didn't get as much use out of for hiking at Wildwood before leaving was now going to be put into great use!  She knew the trails and I'm a great follower, and getting out and getting moving is so much easier with a friend, especially a highly motivated, don't give me any excuses (edited for public reading) kinda friend!  So by the first couple weeks in September I have logged in 59.3 km into my RunKeeper App.  So excited to be on the trails in the area that remind me of BC and are beautiful and nature filled.  My dog is super happy as she gallops through the woods, taking in every new site and smell.  My energy level goes way back up and gives me a boost for my new almost full schedule.  Fall always has that great smell in the air and reminds me to just "get out and do it" as the next season (which I will speak of) is just around the corner, and there will be enough time for staying in during those months.  Those months which I will  yet again attempt to embrace.  But I am so glad to have the feeling like I am getting my fill of nice days, in hopes to stalk up for the shorter days.  A great night away with the girls at Wildwood was just a topper on the cake.  We are still working on a band name for our musical project and  6 women deciding on anything is not a simple process (and has been ongoing for a few years) although  "Gas Station Cat Fish" officially got the boot. (sorry Sawyer).  But we all agreed it was exactly what we all needed, a fun time away with good friends.  Laughs, campfire, music and lots of talking... until
very late... I fell asleep listening to 2 still chatting lulling me to sleep for a short time before the chatting and morning coffee talk started all over again!   Life gets busy, work, family and responsibilities consume  so much of our lives, pressures mount and sometimes we just need to make sure to take some time for some relief in our busy lives. Hit the release valve!   And if life is boring, still the same remedy still seems to apply,  doing something fun, something fulfilling or something new.  For me... hiking, great friends, laughing and music ...  now that is my kind of therapy!  

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